Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Joe Lieberman Would Probably Like Norm Coleman To Win ...

... so he can let the new guy take a turn being the Senate's most sanctimonious prick.

AdNag has a piece in the NYT on the consequences of the endless delaying tactics being used by Coleman to prevent Al Franken from taking the Senate seat that Franken long ago won. In the article, Franken talks about trying to do the parts of his job that he can do right now, while waiting for Republican Governor Pawlenty to grow a spine and do what's right. By contrast, Coleman just trowels it on:

He said that every morning, he puts tefillin — black leather boxes containing scrolls — on his arm as part of a morning Jewish prayer ritual. “I bind myself every morning,” he said. “I bind myself to God every morning because it’s in his hands.”

He paused. “David Letterman will make fun of me for this,” he said.

Spare us the weepy helpless lamb act and the cringing before the imagined persecution from the evil secular comedian. You've been more than willing to lie and cheat to try to steal this election for going on half a year now.

And look, Holy Norm, you blew it. You were a Bush toady, you refused to take your opponent seriously, you lost the recount, and you've lost every time you've gone to court to argue about it. Matter of fact, the latest decision only increased the margin by which you lost. So show us that there's some grain of sincerity to your piety act: take these as signs from your God and step aside.


ArtSparker said...

Publicly proclaimed virtue as the last refuge of the scoundrel is nothing new.

ArtSparker said...

Oops, unconscious quoting, here's the original:

"When I hear them praying extra loud, I always go out and check the lock on the smokehouse." Harry Truman
