Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Quintessential Jonah

You might have heard about the recent DHS report that's causing Wingnuttia to order up another sixty tons of batshit, stat. But he who dines out on wingnut welfare checks also knows that building the world's bestest collection of Star Wars collectibles means keeping the MSM coin coming for wearing his "thoughtful conservative" costume, too. So what is Lucianne's boy to do?

If you said "punt" or "flee," you know him all too well. Following is his entire post on the matter. This is Doughy to the P to the L-O-A-D:

The DHS Report [Jonah Goldberg]

This Powerline analysis looks like the best criticism so far.

I'm off to deal with edits to my magazine piece, and then I'm taking a nap or launching cocktail hour, whichever comes first.

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