Wednesday, April 15, 2009

More on the DHS Report, And This Time With Spine

(In contrast to the last, I mean.)

A few hours ago, Twin and I were talking about the hysteria on display by Malkin and her ilk over the recently released DHS Report ("Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment" [PDF]). I finished up by saying:

I'm waiting for the next reasonable conservative to tell them to take a deep breath, or call them on their hypocrisy, whereupon they'll tear him to shreds. Or, I suppose, it could all just go away because of the big teabagging news of tomorrow.

Looks like I should have stuck with my first guess. John Cole:

First They Came For…

Charles Johnson. Then they went after AJ Strata.

CJ (proprietor of Little Green Footballs) has long since been booted from the wingnut ranks for insufficient purity. (Even I could see that, remember?) I've noticed a couple of flickers of sanity from AJ (proprietor of Strata-Sphere) in the past, but I don't pay enough attention to him, I guess. CJ's post is sensible, as is AJ's first (the "AJ" link). His second (the "Strata" link) is cackle-icious, to a libtard like me. But after a few moments of glee, it's also something that demands respect. All three posts bear reading, and these two guys deserve props for saying to the hard core of their side: I've had enough of you people.

I sent a follow-up email to Twin with the above links, and finished:

Divide and conquer. That's how we're winning. Keep pushing the crazies to show their craziness, and anyone worthwhile will sooner or later be separated out, either by them, or by him- or herself.

P.S. BTW, CJ's post, as of this moment, has over 1400 comments. I skimmed [them] for a little while -- seems like a lot of people are where CJ and AJ are at: fed up with the crazies. They're piling on Malkin, and they're piling on some guy with the handle Bumr50, for his comment (#765) about wanting to shoot illegal immigrants.

Know hope.

[Added] If you'd rather not yet be nothing but charitable, even as you know that CJ and AJ deserve it and that you'll be welcoming them back into the reality-based community fairly soon, there's always Glennzilla for some righteous finger-wagging. We all said the same things to the right-wing back when they were cheering on Bush & Co.'s crumpling up of the Constitution, and Glenn says I told you so, I told you so, I told you so well enough for all of us.

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