Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Oh, Hi! Oh, No.

Seriously, how do you let this happen with the all the news of record turnouts in every state before you?

It could be hours before any results are available to support the exit polls, because the Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner has ordered all 88 counties to hold results until after voting concludes in Sandusky County at 9 p.m. The county ran short of ballots, and Brunner went to court to keep the polls open in that county for an extra hour and a half.

And Sen. Barack Obama's campaign is seeking a court order to extend voting hours in Cuyahoga County, where the campaign said there were ballot shortages.


Sandusky County ran out of paper ballots, forcing election workers to turn away 300 to 400 people.

Brunner said she's received several reports of ballots running low because a larger-than-expected number of people are asking for Democratic ballots.

Clermont County in the Cincinnati area reported scattered shortages of ballots and hurried attempts to print more.

(h/t: NYT's The Caucus)


Jinnet said...

A co-worker of mine is working the polls today (and tonight, I guess) in Cuyahoga County. It'll be interesting to get his take on events tomorrow.

bjkeefe said...

Good for him. Long way to travel, isn't it?

Jinnet said...

Ha. No, the main office is in Cleveland. I am stationed at an outpost. (We have branches in NYC and DC, too. Ooooh, ahhh!)
