Friday, July 18, 2008

Am I Bland? Thin-Skinned? Or Just of Limited Vocabulary?

Last week:

(alt. video link)

My reaction (link added to quote for context):

Unsatisfied customer

Sheesh. Now I'm "benign?" I suppose it's better than being called malignant, but ...

And a few weeks ago, I was "venerable."

All I can say is that if this is Bob's notion of whoring after the affections of the Gang of 12, someone needs to buy him a thesaurus. Being called bland and old is not exactly the best fluffing I've ever had.

This week:

(alt. video link)

Contests to see who can bring the drier wit aside, the entire diavlog between Robert Wright and Heather Hurlburt is well worth watching, especially if you want to hear someone who's really smart describe how President Obama and the rest of the Democrats should address the major foreign policy problems of our day.

1 comment:

John Evo said...

You've convinced me to go back and give it a second chance to impress me more than the first few minutes did. I'm no bigger a fan of Heather than she is of you.
