Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Hens Guarding the Fox House?

(Updated below)

David Carr has a piece in the NYT describing what it's like to be a reporter who writes about Fox News. Even given your worst suspicions, you'll still be amazed. What's really sad is how many non-Fox reporters refused to go on the record, or, if they did, went all mealy-mouth, when asked about their own, known, run-ins with Fox.

You may have already heard about this story, which Carr mentions, but I thought I'd add the link for completeness (and the pictures).

(h/t: The Carpetbagger Report)


2008-07-13 09:16

Follow-up post, with audio of an interview with Carr, available here.


Eponym said...

Brendan, nice catch. That was a great piece.

bjkeefe said...

Thx. Glad you liked it, and thanks for saying so.
