Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Fun Fact of the Day

I just heard a statement made by Masha Gessen on the 7 July 2008 edition of Start the Week that "over half the Ashkenazi Jews alive today" are descended from just four women.

Other sources online seem to bear this out, at least ballpark. MSNBC, for example, said in January 2006 that it's 40%, based on a report in the American Journal of Human Genetics.


All I can really say is that this, combined with the Genghis Khan story, further confirms my suspicion that there are really very few real, unique people on the planet. The rest of you are cyborgs or simulacra, stationed on this planet for reasons unknown.

But probably malicious.



Anonymous said...

I'm not sure which, but you've either been watching too much Battlestar Galactica or repeats of They Live!

Anonymous said...

Better link.

On the very off chance you've not heard of this movie.

bjkeefe said...

Heh. Neither, but thanks for the links. I keep waiting for hulu.com to post the complete BSG. Maybe I'll run out of patience and rent the DVDs, though.

And no. Never heard of They Live!
