Friday, September 05, 2008

Your Moment of Althouse

Ann "I don't know why everyone calls me a conservative" Althouse often says that she listens to Rush Limbaugh all the time. Here's an example of why that's probably not a good idea:

(alt. video link)

That's straight out of Dittohead Land -- "the liberals" this, "the liberal media" that, "Obama" the other thing.

Now, I've cast a few aspersions at Althouse's thought processes in the past, but I will grant that she's not completely dumb. That's what makes this sort of thing so alarming, that even someone of her caliber is susceptible to Limbaugh's indefatigable pushing of the Big Lies.

Shoutout to Jane Hamsher for not letting Althouse get away with spreading this sort of crap. It may be a never-ending battle, but it has to be fought.


jiminy jilliker said...

Wow. That landed with a big wet splat, eh?

You're right-Althouse isn't dumb. She's sometimes (deliberately?) obtuse, and she gets overly infatuated with her own supposedly clever takes on things, but she's not dumb.

I took a class with her last year when she was a visiting prof. at my school. It was a very hard class and it took a while to figure out how to suss out what she was trying to get across. But it became abundantly clear to me over the course of a semester that she is anything but dumb.

Nonetheless that was some lazy crap flinging right there and it was great to see her get called on it.

bjkeefe said...

Huh. Talk about your small worlds. I knew that she had taken a sabbatical and had been in Brooklyn, and I know that's where you live, but still.

I believe I've mentioned my "only 1000 unique people on the planet" paranoia?

jiminy jilliker said...

I'm still investigating the possibility that I, myself, may be a cyborg.
It's not that coincidental that I wound up in her class-I saw that she was visiting and of course I signed up for it. I knew it was going to be educational one way or another.

bjkeefe said...

You're a braver seeker of the truth than I am.

In my own defense, seeing her on probably gives me sufficient data to make an informed estimation that I'd have nothing to learn from such a class.

Non-dumb she may be, non-addled cannot be said.

Bobcat said...

Hey Brendan,

I didn't check the video, but I assume it's the one you dingalinked on Where she can't name a single liberal who's attacking Sarah Palin?

I was under the impression that Harry Reid (or "Dingy Harry" as El Rushbo calls him) called her "shrill." Newshounds wrote, "She’s good with the mean-spirited attacks... but when Palin starts talking about policy, she sounds like a high school student reading something she doesn't understand." Marty Peretz wrote, "she is pretty like a cosmetics saleswoman at Macy's."

Bobby G

bjkeefe said...

Yes, it's the same one. I felt those who don't hit the forums should share in the fun.

Yeah, you can find a few examples of people saying whatever if you search the entire blogosphere. But the point still stands: to say that "liberals" are saying anything is a crock, and for all intents and purposes, a lie. All it shows is that Althouse has been reduced to nothing more than a Dittohead.

Jack said...

Oh, my oh my. That never gets old.


bjkeefe said...

Heh. I had forgotten all about that.

Here is a link for reference, in case anyone is wondering why this comment thread suddenly got active today.
