Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Suspension of Belief

Q: When is a suspended campaign not a suspended campaign?
A: When John McCain says he's suspended his campaign.

So far today, he's taped three television appearances, his ads continue to run, his surrogates continue to make the rounds to attack Obama, his campaign offices are all open and running full speed, and word is, his TV ads will "resume" on Saturday. And so on. And so on.

As far as I or anyone else can tell, the only thing "suspended" is his willingness to appear at the first presidential candidates' debate.

Via TPM, Here's a clip worth watching. The opening bit is just the usual cable TV tripe, but starting at 1:30, Jeffrey Toobin calls it for what it is -- yet another McCain snowjob that too many in the media are parroting without question.

(alt. video link)

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