Saturday, September 20, 2008

I forget. Does this make me an enabler or a codependent?

Sheila from Gawker says:

This photo is like crack for ladies.

So, uh, have at it, ladies. Far be it from me to deny you your little pleasures.

Obama holding little boy

(h/t: TRex)


Anonymous said...

An enabler or a codependent?

None. Just a human being...

This is indeed a beautiful picture. Its meaning is well beyond any political campaign or who the actual people in it are.

I wouldn't say that it's crack for women. But it does communicate an attribute that most women would like to see in their mate. It shows a genuine, deeply experienced, capacity to connect in a nurturing way, that children spontaneously elicit.

I think that the most striking aspect is that Obama was able to lower his "defenses", or if you want his political persona, and present this side of himself. It does take quite a bit of maturity and psychological health.

Great photograph!

bjkeefe said...

Thanks, Ocean. That's exactly the kind of articulation I was looking for. I thought it was a nice picture, but aside from "a handsome man, a happy onlooker, and a cute kid," I didn't know what to say.

Anonymous said...

Come on, Brendan! Loosen up! Let your emotional flow pour out! Words will come to you!

Whatever... :)

bjkeefe said...

You're right, of course, but that's not something I can force.

Anonymous said...

You are right. Don't try to force it or the resistance will be even greater. It's not about forcing but about letting out...

You just have to be ready or inspired. Obama's photo may not push the right buttons. That's all.
