Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Sheer Delight

Last week, Jon Swift wrote a fantastic round-up of the wingnutosphere, which for reasons passing understanding, I neglected to pass along immediately. Probably, I was laughing too hard to type. Anyway, read Great Moments in Election-Year Blogging before you do anything else (or at least, before you read the rest of this post).

You'll note that one of the "great moments" was Ann Althouse's claim that she could see that Barack Obama was wearing an earpiece during one of the debates. She had some sort of strange picture posted, obtained, I believe, from pointing her camera at her TV screen. Hilarity ensued, Althouse backpedaled, took her usual dishonest approach of modifying her post without acknowledging the changes, but still left (in her own defense, believe it or not) another Althousism for the ages:

You know, just because the thing I saw wasn't there doesn't mean there wasn't something there that I didn't see.

And, of course, she did not fail to come to Jon Swift's attention.

Comes now Jon's latest post: Swift Reactions 9: In Which Ann Althouse Tasks Me. There is nothing for me to say except: Read The Whole Thing.

P.S. If you're new to the strange world of Ann Althouse, or, like me, you find her one of the most poisonous voices on the Internet and can't get enough of her being flensed, skewered, and otherwise pierced with sharp implements,* then I strongly recommend Jon's earlier piece, Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Ann Althouse* (* But Were Afraid To Ask).

* Metaphorically, Ann. Please, calm yourself. And too much ego-surfing is bad for you. Haven't we spoken about this already?


John Evo said...

Jon Swift is a riot! Love his Amazon "reviews". I don't see why Altie doesn't appreciate the good work he does in promoting her work. Ann Althouse would be pathetic without his help.

bjkeefe said...

You probably know that my impression of Althouse is that she (1) thrives on any and all attention, and (2) loves nothing more than a chance to feel outrage at being slighted, so, deep down, I'm sure she's happy about Jon Swift.

In her own twisted way. I'm not sure "appreciate" is an emotion she's capable of.
