Thursday, October 23, 2008

That Ol' Straight Talk Express Keeps Chuggin' Along

What about releasing your medical records, Gov. Palin?

“If that will allow some curiosity seekers, perhaps, to have, oh one more thing that they can either check the box off that they can find something to criticize, perhaps, or find something to rest them assured over, fine,” she said.

In related news, Box of Rocks and Sackful of Hammers asked a federal judge to prevent their names from being used in any more comparisons with the Republican vice presidential nominee. "We don't care that we're listed as the smarter ones. She's still tarnishing our brand identity," said a spokesman.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"We don't care that we're listed as the smarter ones. She's still tarnishing our brand identity," said a spokesman.

Hahahaha! Cracking up over here.
