Friday, September 05, 2008

More on Character

From a couple of days ago:

Barack Mans Up, McCain Wusses Out

Barack Obama will appear on The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News tonight. John McCain cancelled his interview with CNN.

That sums up all you need to know about either candidate - and, in a nutshell, explains why Barack Obama will win the White House on Nov. 4.
-- Elizabeth Austin

First segment of Obama on BillO's show is available for online viewing. I don't recommend it, but then, I think O'Reilly is about the rudest person on the planet.


Sornie said...

I hope that Obama's seemingly fearless approach to allowing access to him pays off.

bjkeefe said...

I had the uneasy feeling that a lot of BillO's fans were going, "Hoo hoo hoo hoo!" and applauding him for "holding Obama's feet to the fire" and "not letting him get away with anything."

On the other hand, I doubt any of those people were ever going to vote for Obama anyway, and on balance, I think it was a win for Obama to walk into this situation and show, once again, how he keeps his cool.

Me, I woulda smacked O'Reilly right in the damned mouth, and I say that as someone who last threw a punch 2/3 of my life ago.

Anonymous said...

There's prettymuch no upside to going on BillO's show, is there? Other than saying that you've done it? You don't get to score any point against him, you just get to get out of there with the least amount of bile on your shoes.

bjkeefe said...

Pretty much, although to repeat, I do think you get to show people who might not already think well of you that you're not afraid and that you can keep your cool.

So, yeah, it's hard to score points directly in the sound bite sense, but I do think you can add to your rep. And, as Elizabeth Austin noted in the first place, it makes McCain look that much worse in comparison.
