Monday, September 15, 2008

Women Against Sarah Palin

Showing once again that it's always worth reading comments left on earlier posts before creating new ones, I now scramble to make up.

In a previous post, commenter artsparker pointed to the new blog named Women Against Sarah Palin. Would have been nice to read before seeing the Rumproast post I linked to in my last post, but it's still worth visiting. It appears to be one of the ways that the Alaska rally was organized and grown.

Here's the blurb from the WASP (sorry, couldn't resist the acronym) blog header:

On Wednesday, September 3, we sent out an email to 40 friends and colleagues asking them to respond to Sarah Palin’s candidacy as Vice President of the United States. They forwarded the letter to their friends across America. To date, we have received more than 130,000 responses from women of all ages and backgrounds. Below are their voices.

Thanks, artsparker. Sorry I was late to the dance.

1 comment:

Sornie said...

Wow, the numbers alone are impressive.
