Wednesday, September 10, 2008


John Cole asks, "At what point did our crazy Hollywood types develop more sense than the entire Republican party?"

(alt. video link)


Anonymous said...

Common sense. Straightforward. No complications. Why isn't everybody saying this?

It doesn't matter what party people identify with, if they were thinking, they could never endorse her.

I'm still feeling sick every time I think about it.

I'm going back to organizing my photos. It's healthier.

bjkeefe said...

I know what you mean, but I still believe the Palin phenomenon can't last.

Anonymous said...

Actually I disagree, this is not credible commentary.

Simply saying "I don't know who she is" is typical wingnut FUD-talkin'. You don't know who she is and what she stands for? Why not go and find out before blabbing all over the internets? This is fundamentally an argument from ignorance: I don't know about you therefore you must be bad.

Let's not go after her for her folksy style (however annoying it might be) or relative obscurity. Palin's got some wacky views so lets address *those*. Damon touched on some of them, but refuting them wasn't the overall message I got from that rant.

Someone needs to tell Damon about Obama, specifically what he's about and about how he's approaching the campaign. The way to get on board the train to a better America is to focus on the *issues*. On the problems faced by America and how they can be solved. It's about real outcomes, and about acting from rational thought and not just from (often negative) emotion.

This is not just a calculated focus-group-led campaign strategy, this is (AFAICT anyway) a genuine conviction on the part of our candidate, and something we should support whether or not it has legs politically. And the more we keep focus on this, the better off we'll all be.

So yes, lets argue on the facts and the record of the candidate. But lets ignore the perceived personality flaws, the cheap shots and the FUD.

bjkeefe said...

Good response, Alastair. I decided to bump your comments and reply here.
