Sunday, September 07, 2008

Yes, Your Highness

Remember about a million years ago, when people were muttering about a "dynasty," due to a certain Democrat who was running for president?

In the latest edition of IOKIYAR:

Rick Davis, campaign manager for Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., just told Fox News Channel's Chris Wallace that McCain running mate Gov. Sarah Palin won't subject herself to any tough questions from reporters "until the point in time when she'll be treated with respect and deference."

Emphasis added.

Actually, I am reminded more of the time when then-White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer said, "Americans … need to watch what they say."

The Republicans' arrogance and contempt for the public's right to know never fails to amaze me. That half the country seems perfectly content to let a candidate for Vice President be given a pass and is happy be told what to think by Bush and now McCain never fails to appall me.

As it happens, the image-makers running the McSame campaign have decided that it's time to toss a bone, so they've announced an interview with ABC's Charlie Gibson sometime in the next few days. This will doubtless be trumpeted for the next eight weeks as, "See? See? With the liberal media, no less!"

TBogg predicts the likely outcome. Glad he can still find the funny. I'm having trouble lately.


John Evo said...

On the one hand, what she really deserves is to be treated like a joke. a bad one at that. If the media really did their jobs, it would be apparent. On the other hand, doing so, seems to work in a very counter-intuitive way with that group of voters that control our fates.

You know the group. They either have not yet "made up" their minds or they have made up their minds but could easily change if they get pissed off or excited.

Palin is a joke, but you can't really afford to point it out too vigorously. Also, McCain picking her should tell you everything you need to know about "Maverick". Again, you can't point it out.

This is what we have come to.

bjkeefe said...

Yes, it's a weird fact of American life that many people seem to prefer someone who "seems like them," while insisting on experts for everything else, from performing medical procedures to working on their car engines to cutting their hair.

It's also pretty amazing how much many of the same people who mocked Obama supporters for having a crush on a "celebrity" who "gives a good speech" are now doing the exact same thing. In spades.

Within another week or two, though, I expect the shine to wear off. What we need is one new thing to hammer McCain with.
