Wednesday, October 01, 2008

McCain's Ever-Eroding Base

Another member of the formerly fawning media finally wakes up. From Elizabeth Drew's How John McCain lost me, here's the first paragraph:

I have been a longtime admirer of John McCain. During the 2000 Republican presidential primaries I publicly defended McCain against the pro-Bush Republicans’ whisper campaign that he was too unstable to be president (aware though I was that he had a temper). Two years later I published a positive book about him, “Citizen McCain.”

And here's the last:

McCain’s recent conduct of his campaign – his willingness to lie repeatedly (including in his acceptance speech) and to play Russian roulette with the vice-presidency, in order to fulfill his long-held ambition – has reinforced my earlier, and growing, sense that John McCain is not a principled man.
In fact, it’s not clear who he is.

The ones in between are worth reading, too, as is the recommending source, Josh Marshall's Losing Everything.

[Added] Looks like Tom Brokaw is still firmly in the tank, though.

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