Monday, August 11, 2008

Line of the Day: 2008-08-11

(Actually, from last week.)

I still detect this strange reticence among marquee Democrats to treat John McCain as just another Republican, still conning themselves that he's somehow a cut above his rabble colleagues, capable of being reasoned with, a figure of respect. Based on the coarse, cheapshot, meretricious campaign McCain has run thus far, he's forfeited any respect beyond the minimum norms of discourse. The good thing is that he's shown his true shitty colors early, looking more like Karl Rove's concept of Don Rickles than the Teddy Roosevelt action figure that's besotted Beltway pundits for far too long.
-- James Wolcott

He's got another great line in the same post about McCain VP short-lister Tim Pawlenty, which must be read in context. Go.

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