... this, from back on October 2006, is ugly:
The volatile issue of teaching creation science in public schools popped up in the Alaska governor's race this week when Republican Sarah Palin said she thinks creationism should be taught alongside evolution in the state's public classrooms.
On a related note, I wonder how well the webservers are holding up at the Anchorage Daily News.
(h/t: Andrew Sullivan)
[Update] Bumped up from the comments:
Everyone is trying to paint her with this, BJ, but I think it's completely untrue.
If I had to guess, she's for teaching ONLY creationism in schools.
-- John Evo
Everyone is trying to paint her with this, BJ, but I think it's completely untrue.
If I had to guess, she's for teaching ONLY creationism in schools.
But seriously, John, you might be right.
Her father was a science teacher, he believed in evolution. She doesn't.
Sorry about the soda, Brendan. Go with iced tea next time. That carbonated stuff is tougher to hold in during a laugh.
Yeah, she's a piece of work. McSame is amazing. Clever pick - for less than a day. He will regret this by the end of the convention. I smell a Republican Thomas Eagleton here. Holy Darwin, would that be great?
I smell a Republican Thomas Eagleton here.
My thoughts exactly, for about the past three hours. I'm telling you, the Secret Service is going to have their hands full just keeping the GOP establishment away from her.
Her only hope now is to pull the same stunt that blond chick from the Justice Department did when she was in front of Congress: play it cool, look good, and hope that most older men will hesitate to really push her that hard in front of a camera.
Big chance for some female reporters to make their bones, I should think.
It's being said that Palin is "Quayle with a pony tail"
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