Wednesday, September 03, 2008

In Open Mic Veritas

(Updated below)

TPM has 88 seconds of awesomeness: Chuck Todd and Republican pundits Peggy Noonan and Mike Murphy chatting away about Sarah Palin, unaware that they were still being recorded.

Forget about "cut his nuts off." This is powerful stuff. A whole series of Kinsley Gaffes.

(h/t: Andrew Sullivan)

Update: MoveOn is emailing this clip around, and they've formed a Facebook group in its honor.

Update: Nooners has posted an explanation/apology. Twin sent me the link. Should I be honorable and post it? Or be like every rightwing blog on the Web, and refuse to share possibly exculpatory information until badgered?

Update: Ah, hell. This is no way to win an election. But Twin says to post the link, so here it is.

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