Wednesday, September 03, 2008

More Truth Leaking Out

Also via AS: Joe Klein on the crumbling relationship between McCain and the MSM.

Whoa. A must read.


John Evo said...

well, it will be a refreshing change if the media doesn't let up on Palin. But it would certain defy their track record.

There is no reason not to continue pounding those issues mentioned. They have nothing to do with her family - or her gender.

Others to keep asking - why shouldn't women have the right to choose in some situations? Why should we ever discuss creationism in a science class? Why does she disagree with the vast majority of non-Alaskans about drilling in ANWR?

bjkeefe said...

Quite right, John. And letting her get away with not having to face the same questions any equivalent candidate would is patronizing.

Politically, I think the McCain people are making a big mistake here by completely shutting out the media. If they never have her answer any questions, it undercuts the meme that "the liberal media is attacking her."
