Tuesday, November 04, 2008

In Other Last-Minute-Before-The-Election News


11.03.08 -- 11:50PM

Election Eve Info "Dump"

It's fitting that the McCain-Palin campaign ends with a couple of politically motivated pretend nods to transparency.

First Sarah Palin's own personnel board released a report earlier this evening clearing her in the Trooper-Gate investigation. Nice timing.

Now Palin has released a letter from her personal physician proclaiming her to be in good health and fit to serve -- instead of releasing her medical records, which she'd promised to do days ago.

They see fit to do this on the night before the election?

I'll tell you what's transparent: She is so transparently thinking 2012! it's embarrassing.

(Cross-posted on bh.tv)

[Added] Sully's take:

The timing of the release should also surely be interpreted as a giant finger to the press.

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