Sunday, November 02, 2008

Light Bytes

Why does Dick Cheney hate John McCain? How could he not know Obama would be on that like a chicken on a june bug?

(alt. video link | h/t)

As others have previously noted, this vid shows another difference between the candidates: unlike John McCain and Sarah Palin who smirk at it (e.g.), Obama has a classy way of quashing ugly crowd noises at a rally: "You don't have to boo. Just vote."

538 is running an ad in their sidebar that links to a snark site focused on Wardrobegate with the title "Neiman Marxist."

Scientific integrity exposes spinelessness of GOP smear merchants. (via)

Joe Biden on John McCain: "You can't call yourself a maverick when all you've been the past eight years is a sidekick."

• More signs of Palin's backstabbing. I'm loving it. (via)

Most meaningless poll yet, but of course I link to it!

Ta-Nehisi Coates reacts to Goldfarb's moment of fail (noted earlier):

The town deserves a better class of McCarthyite

I mean, seriously. If he meant Wright, why not say it? Lrn2Nixonpls. Either that or go back to playing Tetris. In your basement. With your kid sister.

• But really, who is Barack Obama??? asks Giblets at fafblog. Much hysteria. Must read. (via)


John Evo said...

Ahhhh... Reverend Wright. Of course.

This is the one area I give McCain some credit. In fact, he's put such an absolute quash on using it, that the poor idiot had to bite his lip in an interview not to invoke it!

It's all clear to me now....

bjkeefe said...

Seems like you spoke too soon.
