Saturday, November 01, 2008

Line of the Day: 2008-11-02

To talk with left-leaning Democrats in New Hope, San Francisco or Miami Beach, to drill deep into their id, is to stand at the intersection of Liberal and High Anxiety.

Got a few butterflies? There's a funny piece in the NYT might make you feel a little better, if only to realize, "Well, okay, I'm bad, but I'm not that bad."


Richard Schrader, a senior staff member for a national environmental organization, lives in Amherst, Mass., where politics start liberal and traipse left. He is fairly liberal, but his neighbors worry that he does not worry nearly enough.


Recently he sat down with a friend who was sweating about Minnesota.

“Minnesota?” Mr. Schrader told his friend. “What, are you kidding me? Obama’s up 14 points there.”

The friend shook his head sadly. Take off seven points for hidden racial animus. Subtract another five for polling error. It is down to two points, and that is within the margin of error in sampling, and that could mean Mr. Obama might be behind.

I find this video, from, (which you may have seen before) helps:

(alt. video link)

Must be the soundtrack -- more of that all-powerful Obama hypnosis stuff.

[Added] Gail Collins adds some more soothing words. Anybody who hates on undecided voters is all right with me.

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