Saturday, November 01, 2008

Locking Down the Stupid Vote

Republican nominee for Vice President, Sarah Palin, who three weeks ago declared herself "vindicated" and cleared of any "unlawful or unethical activity on my part" for, you know, being found guilty of abuse of power by the Alaska Legislature, turned to the next page in her Big Playbook Of Playing To The Base during an interview with a conservative radio station this past Friday:

If [the media] convince enough voters that that is negative campaigning, for me to call Barack Obama out on his associations, then I don't know what the future of our country would be in terms of First Amendment rights and our ability to ask questions without fear of attacks by the mainstream media.


It's sort of perplexing to me, because I'm a practical person and plainspoken also, but just cutting to the chase and calling things like I see them, just like most Americans. But this has not left a bitter taste in my mouth, the bitter shots taken by the mainstream media and by some of the elitism there in Washington.

What this has left me with is a very energized and positive feeling about America, because there are enough Americans who are desiring the positive change that John McCain's gonna usher in.

Can you not see the typical audience member, slack-jawed, nodding in agreement, perhaps a string of drool dangling? "Yeah, yeah, what she said. The media takes away Governor Palin's First Amendment rights. Right! Stupid media!"

(h/t: Andrew Sullivan)

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